Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Behind the Photoshoot: Lennon and McCartney by David Bailey part tres

I finally got around to gathering these new Bailey contact sheets. Also included are individual contact sheets of John and Paul. For someone who didn't like the Beatles (especially Paul) David sure took a lot of pictures of them. He was probably just jealous.

Just John.

Just Paul.


  1. Cool pictures. They really look good together. :D

  2. These are fantastic photos. Paul is photogenic may be the reason for the sheer number of shots of him. David must have been jealous.

  3. Damn!Those two sure were beautiful back in the day, especially Paul. The chemistry of John and Paul
    practically crackles and must have generated such heat in Bailey's studio to the point of needing to open the windows or turning up the A/C! No wonder Bailey was jealous and wanted some of that!

    1. I agree, John and Paul are just…well meant to be together. Very beautiful photos and very beautiful personas.
      Good Night and thanks for your Comment, I don‘t remember 2016 that good, I like the 50s and 60s more, bye ;P


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