Thursday, September 1, 2011

Childhood in Pictures: Pattie Boyd

Whenever I look at a fabulous person (like Ms. Boyd here) I always wonder what their childhood was like. According to Pattie, her childhood was quite idyllic and mysterious. She lived in Kenya up until the age of  8, when her mummy shipped her off to boarding school. While reading Wonderful Tonight, I got the impression Pattie's mum was the cold type of mother who didn't really know what was going on with her kids Plus there was this whole drama with her father and step-father. Pattie's mum did however, manage to help her get a job at a beauty salon where Pattie got discovered, and we all know what went on from there.

Kenya, 1952. Pattie with Jenny, Colin, Paula, and their mother, Diana.

With their nanny.

Diana visiting Pattie at the hospital while she was sick with the mumps.

One of Pattie's first modeling shots at age 18.

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