Thursday, July 14, 2011


There's nothing more exciting (or expensive) than when your favorite musicians decide to release re-mastered versions of their amazing albums. And even though you already have the music, you are forced to buy it again because the remastered sets come with bonus songs, pictures, etc. And so, that's what I did with Paul's first album since the Beatles' split; McCartney came not only with wonderfully re-masterd music and a dvd, but also with a book filled with lovely colored pictures taken by Linda around the time the album was made. Here are some of the scans for your viewing pleasure. Please remember to link back to my blog if you post the pictures anywhere else. Otherwise I will be forced to watermark future scans because Paul is not a free bitch and this book was really expensive.

In the book, Paul said that after the whole Beatles thing, he wanted to go back to the basics of recording, hence the beautiful simplicity of the album. He played all the instruments on the album himself, and since I can't play any, well that's very impressive indeed.

This was no doubt a very depressing time for Paul. Thank goodness Linda was there to encourage him and offered Paul "the escape" he was looking for. Here are some photos of the McCartneys on holiday in Scotland and Antigua.


  1. i love those photos. maybe its the camera or the person who took them, but they are just soooo.... can't think of the word. just love them.
