The moment we had all been waiting for has finally come! Harry's first photoshoot/interview post One Direction is here and it's everything I've ever wanted and more. To begin this new era, Harry posted on Instagram 3 blank pictures, about a day later posted his 3 covers for Another Man, and today basically the entire HQ photoshoot was released! Beatles, 70s Lad, and Modern Man were the themes, and if you know me, you would know that I am completely IN LOVE with this concept. I'm fascinated with the 60s/70s and even more so with Harry, so the combination of the two is just a dream. The styling is perfect (pink high top converse, floral suits, nail polish, fuzzy sweaters, marble pants, collars, tattoos and cross = icon in the making) and the pictures referenced are some of my favorites. Apart from the amazing photos by some of my favorite photographers, there is an essay written by Gemma, Harry's older sister, sharing childhood memories about her amazing little brother. One of Harry's idols (and mine of course), Paul McCartney also interviewed him. Best of both worlds am I right? So is Harry the new Mick Jagger? Maybe not, but he's Harry Styles, and no doubt he is going to join the ranks of McCartney and Jagger. Now, I haven't really read anything yet, since I'm still waiting for my 2 magazines to arrive (yes I tried to buy all 3 covers but one was sold out) but from the quotes floating around on tumblr, Harry's interview is just as interesting and lovely as he is. He sounded sincere and grateful about being in 1D, was not bitter and didn't put anyone or anything down. That's just nice and refreshing isn't it? Also in the mag is a "special document curated by Harry" which I think are the photographs he took of his painter friend Tom Campbell (is there anything Harry can't do?), and "the Harry Styles archive" which are pics of some of his favorite things. I won't keep you waiting any longer, here are the beautiful pictures:

Harry's Special Documents:
images via: https://anyonewitheyescanseeit.tumblr.com