1. Brigitte Bardot
Everybody's dream girl. Bob Dylan dedicated his first poem to her and John Lennon tried to model his pre-Beatle girlfriends after her. And it's no wonder, just take a look at her perfect French pout.
2. Elvis Presley
For Elvis it wasn't so much the lips than what he did with them. That famous lip curl drove the girls wild, and many try but fail, to imitate it today.
3. Marilyn Monroe
The most famous pair of red lips. Marilyn would use different lipsticks and glosses to get her now iconic red pout. Andy Warhol was even inspired to create a silkscreen painting titled "Marilyn Monroe's Lips."
4. Mick Jagger-Georgia May Jagger

Some people thought Mick's lips were sexy and dangerous, others described them as rubbery (ew). Either way, Mick's rock and roll pout was the inspiration for the Rolling Stones lips and tongue logo. He went on to pass his lush lip genes to his kids, most notable Georgia May.
5. Steven Tyler- Liv Tyler
Another famous rocker pucker is that of Steven Tyler. Often compared to Jagger's lips, Tyler also passed on his pillowy pout to daughter Liv.
6. Angelina Jolie
One of the first things people think about when talking about Angelina is her plush pout. Amazing lips on an even more amazing woman.
7. Lindsey Wixson
What makes Lindsey stand out from the rest on the runway is her doll face, gap teeth and rosebud lips.
8. Lana Del Rey
Lana's lips were the first to cause major controversy. There are claims that her perfectly bee stung lips are as fake as her Lana persona. But I think that reinventing yourself and being mysterious is rather appealing. Yeah she's fake but so what? Own that fakeness, at least the music is good.
9. Harry Styles
What kind of list would it be if I don't mention my fave? Many hail Harry as the second coming of Mick Jagger and I agree. From the wavy long locks (which are currently chopped off but I'm saving that for another post!) and amazing fashion sense, to the electric stage presence and tantalizingly kissable lips. I also had to include this mask Harry designed because I think it fits the theme: "One day i'd like to meet your mouth." Well!
10. Kylie Jenner
Probably the most controversial lips of all. The lips everyone loves and hates. Kylie went from having not lips to luscious lips overnight. At first she said it was just lip liner but she wasn't fooling anyone and she finally admitted that she had lip injections.